Thursday, December 3, 2009

The "Life is..." abuse !!

Just read a status message update on Orkut from one of my 'friend', read something like... "Wanna get lost from life and don't know where!"
Alright.. I know there's nothing in it to feel ridiculous about, but this is not a single instance where I have seen someone writing a "philosophy" about life, there are many of them... I see people saying something about life everyday which is rather meaningless, put into the status message just because it sounds good. Everyone seems to have a "philosophy" about life these days. There's nothing bad about it, infact it's one of the greatest things to introspect every now and then,but here's a thing..
When so many people are writing things about life, it means two things: either they mean it or they don't. If they mean it and put it into beautiful words... great!! But on the other hand, if almost everyone is having a philosophy (which apparently changes everyday, with a new quote found on or something similar), it gives me serious concern about my cloud growing full of idiots. I should probably say that the world around me seems to be going thoughtless, dumb, irrational, non-analytical and everything else that doesn't count towards wisdom. The worst thing about it is, it irritates me... because the majority of them is after the same thing... i.e. putting someone else's thoughts into their lives, living by someone else's rules, expressing yourself with someone else's words or even thoughts even when the thoughts probably mismatch to a large extent. That's the reason why these days, when I read a sentence beginning with "Life is..." I take it as an abuse to life, unless I know he/she really means it.
What's my corner then? Do I have a philosophy... yeah I used to have many, but not anymore. For me, life is life... it's my today, this moment. I don't give a f***k to what it really means, it means living and nothing else. Life is a battle - bull shit, it's survival and you fight when you have no other option left. Life's love - double bull shit, it's a way to get your needs satisfied, when you have something better, you don't give a f**k to your so called love and needless to dies while we are still alive. Life's a journey - No way!! Noone wants to get out of the comfort zone unless it's really needed and demanded by desires, lust, greediness, ambitions and expectations. Nothing's unselfish and purposeless in life... you live to please yourself and most of the times others. ...
Therefore, the extremist in me... whenever presented with a sentence "Life is..." would answer "bull shit"