Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Office Office

Scene 1:
Colleague: Hey, Swapnil you got a minute?
Me: No!! (And I swear it wasn't a joke)
Colleague: Ha Ha Ha...Busy huh?
Me: Pretty much ! I hate code reviews. Specially when you get comments on your typos in comment blocks.
Colleague: Been there, done that mate.
Me: I bet.
Colleague: Hey, listen... Can you do me a favor?
Me: (I thought I'd already said no). Errrrr.....
Colleague: Cool, so here's a thing...
Me: (Seriously? I didn't even say yes !!) Hmm?
Colleague: You need to write a method to get the value of (something)
Me: It's easy, there's already a method for that.
Colleague: Oh yeah, but you know what... you can't use that
Me: Why?
Colleague: Coz it's not validated
Me: Are you serious? Then isn't it better to get that method validated
Colleague: Nah, we don't have time for that.
Me: This is ridiculous !! Alright, I'll write it.
Colleague: Thanks, whenever you have time.
Me: Sure, let me see if I can finish it by Friday
Colleague: Sure, but we need it by today EOD.
Me: I am so in love with my life.
Colleague: So you should be.
Me: Oh wait !! If I can't use what we already have, how am I supposed to do it?
Colleague: I don't know, you figure it out. That's what we get paid for, right ;)
Me: Oh sure! I think it'll be too complex though. (Why get paid half when you can get double)
Colleague: Whatever it takes :)

Steven: You need to change the indentation in the code
Me: Okay!
Steven: You know what will be easier?
Me: Yeah?
Steven: You can set the default tab size in the IDE according to the "coding standards" and it'll save you an extra effort
Me: But I already did that!
Steven: Oh let's delete 1 space at the beginning of new line then.
Me: But what about the coding standards?
Steven: I wrote them !!