Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to generate a random string in ruby

Just ran into this while googling for random string generation in ruby. This is pretty awesome:

Also, thanks to divisionoftigers for posting it on stackoverflow here

Let me put it directly here instead:
require 'active_support/secure_random'
= ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(16)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Productivity is inversely proportional to process -- In my arrogant opinion!

Experience says it and even the observations. Companies creating wonders are fairly disorganized within the teams! I've been talking to my friends whose companies are doing great and are running with minimal documentation and processes and so called systems. On the contrary, I work at a place where how you do it is more important than whether it works or not, which adds to a great extent in Quality (non)Assuarance!
I have always been very opinionated about things and with due respect to the genuine intentions behind the workflows and procedures, I think nothing would do more harm to the quality of the product than the mindless implementation of a good workflow (this is assuming that the developers are pretty darn good at what they do). It is this very blindness, mindlessness, the culture that prefers standard procedures over genuine ideas, preference to stability over adaptability that's making me go crazy! It is frustrating to test a product that in your own opinion -- sucks, it is frustrating to see raised eyebrows when something fails, it is frustrating to not being able to fix it yourself and rely on someone else who apparently wouldn't fix it anyways because apparently that person wasn't able to "reproduce" it.
I am hating being a part of the system and my threshold is almost reached.
I shall move on... hiring anyone?