Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Curiosity Mars Rover

Scroll down to the section where Curiosity Rover functionality is explained!
This is just AWESOME


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Setting up a git repository

This is for my own reference, just in case I want to lookup the steps again:
1. Make sure that your linux machine has git installed. Create a project directory somewhere and do:

> git init

This will initialize a git repository. You might also want to setup some global parameters like username and default editor. The instructions are given here:
(To save additional efforts to sync local machine and the repo you create on git, make sure this directory is empty. If you still want files to be in your local repo, you can use the normal git commands here)

2. After this is done, go to Github website, create an account if you don't have one already and follow the instructions to setup a new repo here:

Set Up Git

3. Generate and setup ssh key for the machine. Here are the instructions:

Setup SSH key

Note: If you're asked for the password at any point (when setting up git) this would be your paraphrase that you specified earlier

4. Then do this:

> git remote add origin git@github.com:myusername/myreponame.git 
> git push origin master