Sunday, October 19, 2014

How to use Calendar Provider in Android to add, delete and read events

When I started writing a demo app for symptoms management, I thought it'd be cool to add the reminders directly into Android users' calendars instead of managing the notifications and clocks manually. I found out that Android Calendars can also be useful if one wants to manage events without actually creating and managing a database of events within an app.
Apart from reading Android Developer's documentation here, I also referred to a blog here that puts together all the information to get you started and running. However, bits and pieces of information are always missing and I decided to put together an example for people to start with.
You can find the example on Github here. Happy coding!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ubuntu 12.04 Freezing - After android source code download

A quick note:

If you were trying to build the Android source with the instructions present here, and after

repo sync

stage, when you reboot the machine and it doesn't get past the splash screen, you will need to reinstall the ubuntu-desktop again. As stupid as it sounds, I spent almost a day trying to tweak VirtualBox settings with no luck. So, go ahead and just do the following:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall 
Where, xX-desktop is the desktop environment you were running.

sudo apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-desktop
sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop
sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop