Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Hassle-free" life of a software engineer

Out of nowhere, I have this urge to learn development on rails now... since everyone thinks that it's so awesome and most importantly it's free and has shitload of free reference material online. I thought this would be a good idea to "start" (literally) with web development, when I should really be packing my bag for a flight to Chicago tomorrow.
Okay, so I have "THE" Mac OS X 10.6.7 and obviously since Apple think it's so damn awesome, it shipped the laptop with ruby pre-installed... Awesome right? WRONG!!
To go by the tutorials, I want to install rails 3.0.1... which by the way, works with ruby 1.9.x. So, all I need to do now is uninstall the ruby 1.8.6 that my macbook shipped with and install ruby1.9.x. Easy right?? WRONG again. Here's why:
1. To uninstall ruby, I will have to force remove the installation folder manually -- the idea with which I've never been and probably never will be comfortable, since I have messed up such a big time in the past.
2. I know a good way, which will get me started with a clean slate. Yes, I am talking about the rvm (the ruby version manager). The problem is, rvm needs cUrl (a command line utility that lets you download stuff from command line) and cUrl website is DOWN!!
You might as well tie my neck to the tail of the flight tomorrow and take me to Chicago. I bet that'll be way less irritating.
This is certainly one of the situations when I feel that windows is way better!!

Update: My bad! Apparently, MacBook also comes with the curl installed... now that's awesome. Just installed rvm, but rvm notes for snow leopard do insist on updating the xcode, which is what I have to do now :(

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